Solutions For Tomorrow . . . Today
Thin-Client Devices
Who are they for?
13 Reasons
How do they work?

Citrix ®




In Association with

Thin-Client Devices

Authorized Reseller of Wyse® Winterm™ Windows® - Based Terminals

The new combination of hardware and software solutions is known as thin-client/server computing. Thin clients are devices that do not include hard drives, floppy drives, fans, and other components found in PCs. A thin-client device is not a computer. It is a terminal that connects to a central computer, or server, where software applications reside. The "fat" application runs on the enterprise’s server, using centrally stored data, while only a small amount of "thin" code is executed on the thin client to run the color monitor, send keystrokes and mouse clicks to server, and access the applications on the server.

Unlike the PC, which executes the applications locally, and therefore a computing device, thin client give the user access to application and data which always remain on the more powerful server.

With the little software, no applications, and no moving parts, thin clients promise a new era of improved manageability and better solutions for security, safety from viruses, ease of software upgrades, and many other IT concerns. Simultaneously, thin clients continue to deliver complete access to applications running under Windows and other operating systems. They promise greater productivity and return on investment, and lower TCO for the enterprise. They are technologically proven, with more than 500,00 already in use. And they are available today.

Thin Clients: Who are they For?

There are many reasons to adopt a thin-client solution. A company is a good candidate for this technology if it:

  • Is ready to upgrade its investment in older terminals and or PCs
  • Is adding or upgrading a new client/ server network
  • Has a number of branch offices
  • Is standardizing application platforms and configurations
  • Needs to better manage its data
  • Requires better security for data
  • Is a heavy user of its intranets
  • Relies on its network for mission critical applications
  • Has a significant number of workers who need their computers for office applications, Internet access, and email
  • Is considering adding Microsoft® Windows NT® or Windows 2000 to add email, internet, or year 2000 solutions

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