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Thin-Client Devices
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Thin-Client Devices ...... Conclusion

     The move to add thin-client/server solutions to enterprise network is an evolution, not a revolution. Many people will continue to need the flexibility, expandability, and power of a PC – but for many, a PC is not just overdoing it, its actually a burden on the smooth performance of their jobs. And adding thin clients can provide the enterprise with the best of the both the mainframe/terminals and the network-PC worlds. Thin-client solutions can simplify IT management, save the enterprise money, speed the deployment of new solutions and applications, and provide users with the computing solutions that are the most appropriate for their jobs.

     However, of today’s new enterprise computing solutions – the Windows-based terminal, the Java-based NC, and the PC-based NetPC – only one is proven solution that is ready for deployment today: the Windows-based terminal. Windows-based terminals are:

  • Ready today: NCs are dependent on the development of Java and Java applications.  NetPCs may be only transitional products, paving the way for network management for PCs

  • The least expensive to buy

  • The easiest to manage centrally

  • The simplest way to upgrade software applications or implement new software applications across a large organization

  • The least expensive to maintain, costing an estimated $1,258 annually, 57 percent less than the lowest estimate for the maintaining a PC

  • The only technology that is truly "thin", because they perform all functions on the server. Only the interface appears on the client

  • Unencumbered by bandwidth constraint, because they exchange neither data nor applications with the server, only mouse clicks, keystrokes, and screen updates

  • The fastest solution, since all applications run on the server, at server speed, and are not slowed by network access

  • Able to access over 100,000 Windows-based applications (including custom applications) plus Java – and Internet-based applications, and host/UNIX applications

  • Designed to be centrally managed by the IT staff

  • Already established as mainstream technology

  • A secure investment for the future enterprise computing needs


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Citrix Silver Level Solutions Provider


More than any other thin-client or PC-based solution, Winterm™ Windows® -based terminals from Wyse Technology can lower the TCO for an enterprise’s network. That’s why 63.5 percent of all Windows-based terminals sold in 1998 were Winterm terminals from Wyse. But lowering TCO is only a means to an end. The ultimate goal is to make everyone in the enterprise more productive and improve the company’s competitive advantage. Wyse Winterm terminals are ready to enhance productivity and give you that competitive advantage, today.


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