- For a High Powered Solution, They’re
Quiet, Low Energy, and Surprisingly Petite
Since they lack moving parts, Wyse terminals
don’t make noise. They’re low users of electricity, as low as 7 watts. And
they’re so small, you can tuck them away out of sight, so they don’t take
up precious workspace.
- You Can Use Them Forever
Well, maybe not forever—but for a long time.
And that’s not just because they aren’t computers; they link into your
servers, and can do so productively, effectively, efficiently, and easily for
many years, while your ASP does the software and hardware upgrades on its
servers. You don’t have to worry again about "upgrading" every two
or three years; thin clients could last you a decade.
- You Users Will Be More Efficient
Think of this: a device that gets you up and
running in less than half a minute, instead of 3-5 with a Windows operating
system. Or this: now users don’t have to be computer administrators to do
their jobs—they just turn on the device and go to work, since all
administration is left to the professionals at your ASP.
- They’re Easier to Manage
Winterm terminals are the easiest business
computing machines for anyone to manage. All their various attributes and
features can be remotely configured, changed, and upgraded by your ASP, behind
the scenes, out of sight from you and your workforce. There are no PC’s
which can be as completely or as easily administered from afar.
- They’re Theft-Proof
Have you ever lost a computer to theft? It won’t
happen with a Winterm terminal, because a Winterm terminal is not a computing
device. Without the connection to your ASP, it does not work.
- They Add to Your Workforce Flexibility
Want your employees to work from home, but are
unable to provide them with computers? Winterm terminals will do the job
better. They cost less, won’t be a hassle for your employees to manage, and
will give them added flexibility in doing their work.
- They’re Virus and Hack-Proof
Have recent viruses or hack attacks caused you
worry about your network and data security? Thin clients put that to rest .
Winterm terminals are, themselves, hack-proof and virus-proof, and enhance the
security your ASP brings to your applications and data.
- They’re Easy to Service and Support
By now, this shouldn’t surprise you. If you
had a device that didn’t break, you’d expect the cost and frequency of
maintenance to drop. If your users didn’t have the hassle with administering
their own software and hard drives, you’d expect the number of calls to the
Help Desk to plummet. And by outsourcing the desktop hardware to your ASP, you
can let their Help Desk handle all your users’ support needs—both hardware
and software.
- You’ll Get Better Productivity and