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ACCPAC Accounting




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ACCPAC Accounting ....... Features
Pro Series 6.0i

ACCPAC® Pro Series® 6.0—the newest release of a product that consistently rates high in user satisfaction—is packed with features that make tracking, viewing, printing and analyzing information easier than ever before. Pro Series 6.0 is the industry's most advanced Microsoft®-based accounting software.



A Full Suite of Modules

System Recommendations 

SBT Pro Series Products


Proven Windows® accounting for the 21st Century
If reliability and security are important to you, look to ACCPAC Pro Series for financial software you can trust. The first mid-range accounting software to run under Windows, Pro Series supports current 32-bit versions of Windows operating environments. It is more widely tested, more commonly implemented and more thoroughly developed than any other Windows-based accounting software.

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Year 2000 certification
ACCPAC Pro Series 6.0 is year 2000 certified. Dates are automatically sorted and aged correctly— with no additional data entry effort.

100% Microsoft® leading-edge technology
Pro Series is the only product of its kind that’s based exclusively on the Microsoft Visual Studio® suite. You get the added advantage of Microsoft’s extensive research, development and testing in every Pro Series package. Unlike other products that rely on proprietary languages and databases, Pro Series delivers a fully tested standard that’s accepted around the world. Industry standard means reliability, consistency and a solid product future.

Powerful drill down capabilities
ACCPAC designed Pro Series to make information truly accessible when—and how—you need it. ACCPAC PowerDrill browser technology fuels fast reporting and data drill down on key fields in the browsers into transaction details, bringing information gathering and processing to a whole new level.

Customization Manager
Customization Manager is a tool that makes it possible to customize your ACCPAC screens. With Customization Manager, you can create custom screen forms as subclasses of existing forms and make custom screens available to specific users/companies. And when it’s time to install future builds, you can preserve your changes. This will save you from having to redo modifications.

Choices: Windows and beyond
Pro Series is developed for companies that want to use technology as a competitive advantage. ACCPAC’s continuing investment in research and development ensures a future rich in new features and capabilities that will provide your business with better information and control. Choose the 32-bit operating system you prefer—Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT®. Choose your network—Microsoft NT or Novell® Netware. You even have your choice of Pro Series forms or flexible laser-printed forms. Pro Series provides full integration with Microsoft Word and Excel, popular spreadsheets, databases and charting/presentation programs.

Industry applications work with Pro Series
Because Pro Series makes source code available, it’s the perfect development platform for industry specialists. Working with ACCPAC, experts—such as Lahey Software in manufacturing and Data Technology (the makers of RADIO BEACON™) in distribution—have created hundreds of specialized applications that enhance or integrate with ACCPAC Pro Series. You’ll find compatible software for:

  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Kitting
  • Point of Sale
  • Sales Force Automation
  • Service Calls
  • Fixed Assets
  • Many more!

Plus, there are dozens of smart utilities that do everything from budget management to detail drill-downs. With Pro Series, you’ve got access to a whole world of professional tools tailored for your business.

Electronic Business
As business transactions move to the Internet, your accounting software has to keep pace. ACCPAC pioneered electronic commerce with modules that can take orders right off the web and turn them into Pro Series transactions. Plus, you can use ACCPAC’s Internet connection to register products, survey customers, and send (and track) billing and notices. The savings in transaction costs can be significant, even for smaller companies. And now ACCPAC has incorporated ProAlert and Message Master into Pro Series, making it even easier for you to flex your e-business muscle.

Real information, real time, any time
With the Pro Series Business Status Report you can check vital company measurements in real time. It’s like a thermometer for your business. Check your AR balance, AP balance, month-to-date sales and cost of goods—even see projected totals for the month (or any other period). Pro Series also gives you unlimited data access the way you want to see it. Display any information, in any order, customized for any user. You assign the permissions and security codes, so you’re in total control.

Service and support are close at hand
ACCPAC has a two-tier system that gives you assistance when and where you need it. Your local authorized ACCPAC consultant delivers on-site services, manages implementation, supports and trains your staff. Local support from this qualified network keeps response times low and quality high. Backing up your independent consultant is ACCPAC’s sophisticated help system. The Pro Series Helpdesk funnels calls to product experts and keeps the 24-hour on-line web site up to date.

Unlimited customizability
ACCPAC pioneered open architecture for accounting software and has years of experience delivering solutions to customers around the globe. Open architecture means you can easily change the source code, forms, and reports. You get maximum control over your accounting system and its growth path. And as your business evolves, you’re never locked in because ACCPAC’s complete flexibility keeps your options open.

Some products promise "customization" but deliver nothing more than minor screen and report changes. With Pro Series, your software is truly modifiable. And, with the new Customization Manager in Pro Series 6.0, it’s never been easier to make custom changes and preserve your screen modifications in future builds.

New! in Pro Series 6.0
With the latest release of Pro Series, you’ll find exciting new features that modern businesses need. ACCPAC routinely collects the latest wish list items from customers and consultants, then builds these features into new product upgrades. In addition to the thousands of features users already appreciate, Pro Series 6.0 adds:

  • Enhanced data browser and drill down capabilities. Make the most of relational browsers, tabbing between custom browsers and drilling down on key fields to view as much transaction detail as you need with ACCPAC PowerDrill browser technology.
  • Customization Manager. Make changes to your ACCPAC screens and preserve them when you install future builds. This feature ensures that ACCPAC Pro Series—along with any customizations you make—will grow with you.
  • Enhanced System Manager now includes Message Master! Any Pro Series report or form can be sent via email, by fax or as a file or attachment. And you can customize fax cover sheets, edit distribution lists, and share important information quickly—even simultaneously by email or fax, if you like.
  • ProAlert is included with Pro Series 6.0, saving you time and money. With ProAlert you can automate process flows by setting up clearly specified events that trigger specified actions.
  • MDI. Bring up multiple copies of Customer and Item Maintenance as well as Vendor Maintenance screens in the same company and module.
  • User privileges. With improved user privileges you can synchronize the privilege for a group of users with that of a "super user," saving time by ensuring that each business unit can access the information it relies on most.
  • MAPI email and Microsoft Internet Explorer accessibility. Pro Series now features the URL in customer and vendor files and emails, as well as email and URL access in the Item Supplier screen.
  • Client installation option independent of the server installation. Now you can install the client version on a workstation by running the client installation program from the network location instead of the Pro Series CD.
  • Improved cycle counting. You can now release a lock on a set of items currently in the process of being cycle counted so that users can perform transactions with those items before the cycle count posts.
  • Linked Purchase Orders receipts and invoices. This new functionality makes it easier than ever to create and follow an audit trail between the AP invoice and the PO receipt that created the AP payable.
  • Cash accounts and additional Business Status Report enhancements. Now there’s a BALANCE field in the AP checking account maintenance screen from which the running balance for the account is stored. The Business Status Report object for the cash balance will retrieve from this new field. The Business Status Report has enhanced drill down capabilities as well.
  • Multiple remit to. Allows you to set up multiple remit-to addresses for a particular vendor.
  • Enhanced reporting features. Improvements include the addition of a Total Column for the 13-column Income Statement Comparison Report in General Ledger. And, with as of dates in IC, you can run an Inventory On-Hand Report as of a given date.
  • Improved AP and PR features. Using the AP system set-up information screen, printing the AP Journal at period closing is now optional. With the Recover AP/PR check run, you can gracefully recover from failed check runs. And the AP Invoice Entry Option enables you to enter another invoice for the same vendor.
  • Enhanced Payroll reports for history. This feature means you can add a reporting option on the History Table for these PR reports: Payroll Tax Register, Payroll Deduction Register, and Posted Earnings Report.
  • Easy upgrade path. The new and streamlined installation and conversion process in Pro Series 6.0 provides an easy upgrade path for VisionPoint® 10.0 and Pro Series 5.0 users so they can take advantage of the new features in the new Pro Series version immediately.
  • Improved documentation. New printed books and all new Doc on Disk make it easy to find what you need quickly. New features include: What’s New document in Doc on Disk, Search All Doc, Centralized glossary, and updated context-sensitive help.




A Full Suite of Modules

All Pro Series modules are fully integrated for maximum efficiency and reliability.

General Ledger
All the general ledger and financial reporting capabilities your business needs. Post entries to current, previous and future periods from any ACCPAC application. Define account numbers of up to 24 digits. Track information for multiple cost centers. Generate statistical reports. Designate customer account groups. Consolidate information from multiple companies and periods. Export data to spreadsheets and databases. Details...

Accounts Receivable
A complete billing and accounts receivable system with extensive sales analysis reports. Instantly displays 24-month customer sales and 36-month item sales histories and graphs. Supports multiple ship-to addresses per customer, tracks and reports sales tax, flags customer credit limits and computes finance charges. Details...

Accounts Payable
Everything you need to manage your business expenses efficiently. Writes checks and tracks credit, discounts, partial payments and recurring obligations. Includes vendor and payable inquiries along with an extensive library of expense analysis reports. Transfers credit card transactions to track each purchase by vendor. Details...

Purchase Orders
A complete purchase order processing system for real time tracking, automatic updating of vendors and inventory account balances, extensive reporting capabilities and reconciliation of receipts and invoices. The Purchase Order module is tightly integrated with the Inventory Control module. Offers high-quality purchase orders on a laser printer as well as labels for all your vendors. Details...

Sales Orders
Generates, schedules and maintains sales orders and backlogs. Prints pick lists, UPS C.O.D. tags and provides drop shipment, with a wide variety of analysis reports, including transaction summary, open order, order by salesperson and real-time status. Tightly integrated with the Inventory Control module. Creates invoices automatically when linked to Accounts Receivable. Details...

Inventory Control
Automatically tracks inventory balances, serial numbers, lots and product line information. Supports LIFO, FIFO, Average and Standard Cost methods. Extensive reporting provides all the information to analyze, control and track your inventory. Offers multiple pricing methods, including customer-specific pricing. Details...

Multicurrency provides a comprehensive means for maintaining various global currencies and exchange rates in your accounting system. Transactions throughout the system are translated from the currencies and exchange rates you define. Multicurrency tracks your foreign currency trading partners and handles all the transactions and reporting for you. Multicurrency requires GL and AP to be installed. Details...

Calculates and maintains payroll and labor distribution for hourly, salaried, commissioned, and per-unit employees. Payroll includes direct deposit capabilities; tax calculations for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Up-to-date payroll tax information is available through SBT Payroll Tax subscription service. Details...

Job Cost
Job Cost is a fast, flexible accounting tool for project and job cost management. Multiple levels of transaction detail and billing methods provide required flexibility for different kinds of companies and projects. By tracking costs associated with a job or project, management can monitor labor and material directly associated with the job and indirect hidden costs involved in the project to ensure the job or project is profitable. Details...

Report Writer Powered by FoxFire
Unlock the data in your Pro Series accounting system. Our award-winning report writer creates custom queries and reports fast and easy, without programming. Designed for all levels of user, Report Writer is extremely intuitive and allows you to create reports, labels and more. Details...

WebTrader delivers the forms and tools to record sales, process orders and collect additional customer information over the Internet. It supports secure transaction processing via encryption and adds records to the Pro Series database with no additional data entry! WebTrader also tracks unprocessed emails, incomplete orders and failed confirmations so you stay on top of customer service. Details...

Customization Manager
Customization Manager is a tool that makes it possible to customize your ACCPAC screens. With Customization Manager, you can create custom screen forms as subclasses of existing forms and make custom screens available to specific users/companies. And when it’s time to install future builds, you can preserve your changes. This will save you from having to redo modifications. Details...

System Manager
The control center of Pro Series, System Manager allows you to configure and customize hardware and workstation settings, control user security, change customer, vendor and item numbers, create custom queries and more. A data dictionary stores application information and database files. System Manager includes audit trail reports, fiscal calendars, network phone messaging and individual user browser window settings as well as the ability to send any ACCPAC report via fax, email or as a file/attachment.



System Recommendations

Listed below are current system recommendations for ACCPAC Pro Series 6.0 operating environments. The actual system requirements (both workstation and network servers) can vary significantly depending on your actual networking environment. For example, topology, drivers, application software, and networking protocols can change the following recommendations.

All system recommendations are subject to change without notice. Call ACCPAC Technical Support for the latest information. ACCPAC Technical Support may post changes to these requirements at

Windows Workstations

  1. System Hardware
  • Intel Pentium, 266 MHz class computer recommended
  • Minimum memory: 64MB RAM or more recommended
  • Hard disk requirements: Refer to the installed Operating System Software requirements or recommendations for single user stations. If you are installing and running Pro Series applications on a workstation, see the Network server hard disk space requirements.
  • CD ROM drive
  • A Microsoft compatible mouse
  • 3.5-inch High Density floppy disk drive (required for Payroll Tax Subscription installation)
  • Network Interface Card (required for network installation)
  1. Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows 95 (with OSR2 release), Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
  • Network operating software for Windows workstations
  1. Additional Software
  • Visual Fox Pro Version 6.0 (with Service Pack 3) (for source code versions only)

Network Servers

  1. System Hardware
  • Intel Pentium, 400 MHz class computer recommended.
  • Minimum memory 128MB RAM; 256MB or more recommended. Refer to the Network Operating System requirements or recommendations based on network configuration.
  • Hard disk requirements: Refer to the Network Operating System Software requirements or recommendations based on network configuration
  • Available hard disk capacity for Pro Series:
  • Windows Compiled: Minimum of 40 MB for System Manager, on-line documentation, and Sample Data, plus add an average of 11 MB for each application module. Add 20 MB for Payroll.
  • Windows Source: Minimum of 65 MB for System Manager and Sample Data, plus add an average of 15 MB for each application module. Add 30 MB for Payroll.
  • Additional hard disk space is required for customer database files.
  • CD ROM drive
  • A Microsoft compatible mouse
  • 3.5-inch High Density floppy disk drive (required for Payroll Tax Subscription installation)
  • Network Interface Card
  1. Network Operating System
  • Novell Netware 4.11 (with Year 2000 patches), 5.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 (with Service Pack 4 and Year 2000 patches)
  1. Additional Software
  • Visual FoxPro Version 6.0 (with Service Pack 3) (for source code versions only)

Memory Guidelines

While a slower processor and less RAM will run Pro Series 6.0, considerable degradation in performance should be anticipated. A single Pentium server can be configured with 64MB base RAM, plus 5-8MB of RAM per user, with 15-40MB of disk space per user. In a 50 user, single machine example, you may need a 2-4 processor Pentium SMP server with approximately 300MB of RAM and 2-8GB hard disks.

The CONFIG Files: The following configuration file, CONFIG.FPW, is automatically installed in the same directory as the SBTW.EXE file and must contain the following lines:

  • MVCOUNT=2000
  • TIME=999999
  • _FOXDOC=""
  • _FOXGRAPH=""
  • _GENGRAPH=""
  • _STARTUP=""
  • _PDSETUP=""
  • _GENPD=""
  • _GENXTAB=""
  • COMMAND = = (FILE("g_inilib.prg") OR FILE("g_inilib.fxp")) AND g_inilib("C")

In some cases, your settings may differ. The last item, beginning with COMMAND and ending with ("C"), should be entered on one line.

Visual FoxPro Temporary Files

In Visual FoxPro, you must specify where to put temporary work files. To do this, add the following line in the CONFIG.FPW file:


In this example, [drive] is the letter of the drive you want to use for your temporary files. This must be a drive letter, not a directory specification.

If you do not specify where Visual FoxPro should put its temporary files in your CONFIG.FPW file, all Visual FoxPro temporary files will be created on your default drive.




ACCPAC Computer Solutions offers a full complement of training services for our ACCPAC programs.  We can offer on-site training for your business or can accommodate up to 8 students in our modern training facility.  We also have machines with projection units and screens available for rent.



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