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SAC Computer Solutions, Inc. is a service oriented computer Company whose primary focus is on developing customized software for specific industries. The demand for such services has sky rocketed over the past few years and with that in mind SAC has developed a dedicated staff of programmers and managers to keep pace with this niche within the computer industry. SAC also maintains a division that concentrates solely on the marketing and selling of new and used equipment, as well as, servicing their own products and that of their competitors.

SAC originated in 1989 as a sole proprietorship started by Scott A. Cruse. Scott maintained a focus on the small business owner in servicing their hardware needs and developing custom applications to suit their needs. Then in September 1995, SAC became incorporated as an S-Corporation in the state of Pennsylvania. It was at this time that SAC expanded to 5 owners, and maintained the original focus of developing custom applications for area businesses.

Today, SAC Computer Solutions, Inc. is positioned to offer superior IT consulting and support services to organizations with an expanded interest and need for server-based computing, application services, virtual private networks over the Internet and E-business solutions. Our understanding of customer’s needs, knowledge of technical solutions available in the marketplace, and our unique ability to integrate the two set us apart from our competition. We Bring to the table strong technical service and expertise in information system and network architecture, as well as, application design/programming and system integration.  Our experience addressing the application integration needs of customers and ability to provide the products that meet their needs, make us uniquely positioned to serve you, our customers and market. With over 10 years of experience (collective 100 years), SAC has the experience, knowledge and expertise to consult and collaborate with companies, evaluate their needs based on future initiatives and provide long term centralized server-based/thin client computing solutions. We provide information infrastructures that meet customer’s needs today and for years to come.


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