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ezMedPics™ Rehabilitative Exercise Software

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ezMedPics™  is a software program designed for Physical Therapists by a Physical Therapist.  The application incorporates rehabilitative exercise routines into an easy to use program.  This no hassle, easy to use program will translate into savings and a professional edge in patient care.  Custom exercise routines can be developed and added to your software to complement the existing database of exercises already included in the program.  Individual therapists can store their personal exercise routines to save time when generating exercise sets.  This 32 bit color software package will amaze you with its versatility and ease of use.

Clinic Logo Identity is very important when sending materials home  with a patient.  We will customize your program to print your company logo, name and tag-line on all materials generated through the ezMedPics™ program.  All you have to do is email or mail us your Logo and tag-line and our programmers will do the rest.

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Quick Tour

Click on this image for a tour of some of the main program features.

Flash Demo
File size: 650K
Approx. LOAD time: 2 min. at 28.8 kbps

Downloadable Demo -- ezMedPics.EXE
File size: 7.87MB
Approx. download time: 41 min. at 28.8 kbps

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