Solutions For Tomorrow . . . Today
Web Site Design
Design Services
Graphic Design
Site Hosting
Development Cycle


In Association with


Web Site Hosting

$2100 Web Site Special

What is included?

1.  Customized graphic theme for the site.
2.  Fifteen pages of customer supplied content that may include forms for information request.
One database, to allow the customer to update news and events (note that your site must support ASP if not hosting with us)
4.  Graphic optimization
5.  Manual listing on 5 major search engines
6.  Meta tag generation based on web site content.
7.  Two - one hour design and planning meetings
8.  One - one hour training meeting
9.  Financing available
     a.  $500 down  $200 month for 8 months

Customer Supplies:

1.  General site navigation
2.  All text and content for pages
3.  Company logo and contact information
4.  Any pictures that you want placed on the site
5.  Domain name registration setup and or transfer

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Additionally, you decide to host your site with us, you get the following benefits:

1.  Secure password protected directory containing:
     Detailed web site statistics
     Database maintenance tools
     E-mail and mail maintenance
2.  5 pop3 e-mail accounts.  Example: 
3.  Unlimited e-mail forwarding
4.  5 e-mail auto responders to automatically respond to a customer who sends an email through a site address

If you have any needs that are not included in this special they can be priced on an item by item basis.

Contact Todd Walters or Angela Parnell at 814-941-4510 for additional information, or fill out our contact form and one of our salespersons will contact you

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