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ETC Job Tracking and Costing

Job Tracking & Costing System (Model 200)

The ETC Model 200 offers all the same time and attendance features as the Model 100, but with the added benefits of Job Tracking and Costing.

Calculate time and labor dollars spent on each job or task
Determine job or task profitability
Easy log In/Out of jobs or tasks
Gain immediate access to who is working on what job
Cost Analysis (actual vs. projected)
Automatic monitoring with attendance system
Optional bar code data entry
Schedule jobs and authorize employee assignments
Calculate per unit labor costs historically, by customer, by employee, or by job, etc.

Easy To Use

With ETC Model 200, employees simply record job In/Outs via the keypad or optional bar code wand. Off-site job tracking can be accomplished by entering job In/Outs directly into the computer. As in the attendance system, job tracking data is temporarily stored within the ETC when the computer is off-line.

User friendly software with pop-up menus makes entering job profiles a quick and easy process. A customized task data base can be created and multiple tasks assigned to a job in seconds, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry.

Immediate Access

ETC with its on-line capability provides immediate access to the information you need. Job status, current job and employee work assignments, job or task cost analysis and per unit labor cost are some of the many timely features.

Management Tool

ETC allows you to spend your time analyzing information, not collecting it. Quickly analyze time and costs associated with any given job or task. ETC provides a variety of information by job, task, department, employee, quantity produced, actual versus projected time and cost and much, much more.

Flexible and Affordable
ETC is flexible enough to handle most job tracking and costing applications. From simple job tracking situations to extremely complex requirements (multiple jobs, tasks, schedules, departments, accounts, unit analysis, etc.), ETC provides an affordable way to maximize your labor resources.

Feature for feature Model 200 offers everything you need at an affordable price that is hundreds or even thousands of dollars less than other comparable systems.

* Citrix Legal Notice

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