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Customer Profiles

MediaOne Group Gets High-Speed Access with MetaFrame

"We've gone from zero to nearly 100 applications deployed using Citrix ® MetaFrame. Our ability to deliver information and tools to a growing user base is a source of competitive advantage."
- Ann McKissick, technical director, MediaOne Group

"Because of MetaFrame, we can deploy applications more efficiently than with traditional client/server models. We've also simplified IT maintenance and support, lowering our overall cost of doing business."
- Ann McKissick, technical director, MediaOne Group


The National Multiple Sclerosis Society

"The ASP computing model allows us to focus on informed fundraising, rather than the technology we need to manage fundraising information. Because our mission-critical applications are delivered via Citrix MetaFrame, we are confident of secure and reliable high-performance application access anytime and anywhere it’s needed."
—Judy McMurphy, Implementation Manager, National Multiple Sclerosis Society


* Citrix Legal Notice

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